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Doll Doctor's Association

Dedicated to the sharing of knowledge, techniques and philosophies associated with the restoration and preservation of antique and modern dolls.

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United Federation of Doll Clubs
The site is an interactive, changing view of the doll world, where new technology is constantly being adapted to meet the growing needs of the membership. For current events, go to the UFDC Calendar and click on an event listing to get more detailed information, Each event has the Regional designation before the title so that you can find the location at a glance. Click on the event for more data, print out the event information, and leave a reminder for yourself !

National Antique Doll Dealers Association
The National Antique Doll Dealers Association was formed to promote integrity in the doll world. NADDA members adhere to a strict CODE OF ETHICS, and guarantee the age, attribution, and physical condition of dolls in writing upon purchase. NADDA boasts some of the premier authorities on antique dolls among its membership, and members share their knowledge by hosting doll seminars and special exhibits nationwide.

Doll Castle